Every day brings growth, opportunity, and the gifts of deeper self awareness and freedom from lifetimes of old energetic patterns, beliefs, definitions and karmic discord.

Every day is a step up the ladder in your journey through this experience of life in a physical body, and each step up represents your growing ability to sustain a higher vibrational state of Being.

Your state of Being is what creates your experience. You know this now, and as you continue on your journey you are always more aware of the importance of each previous step. You know that the most powerful words that you can speak are “I AM” because those words immediately bring you into the present moment, the only moment there is, and where you are at your most empowered.

Today we offer you another step, another tool to use in order to integrate the energies of August and September. We call this step the 4 A’s: Acknowledge, Accept, Appreciate and Allow. You can use the 4 A’s in any situation or circumstance you find yourself in. As an example, we invite you to bring your awareness into the present moment. State aloud “I am who I am, and it is enough.” It is helpful, but not necessary, to look into a mirror as you say these words. You might notice the impact and power of speaking to yourself in this way. Continue with “I acknowledge myself,” pausing to allow the energy of the words to settle.  Follow with “I accept myself exactly as I am.” (Pause) “I appreciate myself, and all that I bring to the world.” Finally, “I allow myself to trust my highest self, and I allow my highest self to guide me.” These words are a guideline, trust that you will know what words to speak to yourself because you will feel the impact of them. Repeat often.

Repeating this exercise reinforces the new neural pathway you are creating in your brain, which is directly connected to your central nervous system. Repetition also moves energy, generating feelings that are ready to be acknowledged and addressed. This will change how you perceive yourself, which changes how you perceive the people and the world around you. Your thoughts, words and actions carry greater impact in the coming months and into the beginning of 2025 because of the work that you have been doing to deepen your awareness of Self.

You are also becoming more aware of your parallel lives. All of existence is in the Now moment, meaning nothing is in the past or in the future. The human brain may not be able to fully comprehend this and that is OK. Your higher mind/self knows this and the more you allow yourself to be guided by the higher mind/self, the less your brain has to work to try to figure it all out. When you look into a mirror and you say “I am in acceptance of myself” (or any of the other 4A’s) imagine that you are looking at yourself in a parallel lifetime in which you are existing in the 5th dimension. You are invited to play with this and observe how you feel, and what you might be able to perceive in that higher vibrational reflection of yourself. These steps are meant to build upon those that we (and many others) have been sharing with you over time.

September brings a change of seasons, which is a perfect time to be aware of what definitions, beliefs and patterns no longer serve your highest and best. You have been able to clear karmic discord for about 10 years now, and each time you choose to acknowledge old energy, recognizing that it no longer serves you, you are clearing the energy within your Akashic Records. This is powerful because that old energy is no longer in your parallel lives. It is no longer in your cellular memory. The old energy no longer has power over you and it no longer festers in your body. You are in effect, purging your Akashic Records, something that you previously have not had the power or ability to do. We understand the life altering implications of this and wish to energetically impart this to you through this transmission. The words you are reading carry energy. When reading this (and other) transmissions they resonate with you or they do not. Trust what you feel as that is your higher self letting you know if something is helpful and meaningful to your growth and evolution.

We say it often, but it truly is an exciting time to be alive on your planet because you are creating great changes that affect everything and everyone. Everyone that is alive on your planet plays a role in the changes that you are here to experience because the changes that you are making would not happen without everyone playing their part. As you accept yourselves and each other, the truth becomes very apparent. Welcome to the new energy, the new earth.