Your evolutionary path has taken some surprising turns, both from our perspective and from your own.
From our perspective, we witness the intensity, depth and speed in which you all, as a collective, are shifting and expanding your consciousness as a whole. You continue to amaze us with your desire to reclaim your birthright: Your Godselves.
From your own perspective, many of you feel that you are moving oh so slowly. Some of you feel that you have even taken steps backwards in your journey to remembering Who You Are.
We say to you: There is no such thing as going backwards in this wondrous journey, there are only experiences. Each experience and each choice that generates the energy for that experience is but a tiny piece of the entire picture, and that picture is always developing, always changing.Your human self is also a minute piece of the whole picture, and cannot see the entirety of it, so you sometimes feel that you are stuck.
So we invite you to take a deep breath in, and as you release the breath, allow yourself to relax into the present moment and find stillness. It is in the stillness that you are able to rise above the minutiae of your day to day existence and witness the growth, expansion and evolution of your own soul, and your oneness with All.
As you spend more and more time within this wide perspective, your conscious mind has no concept of what is happening at the soul/spirit level. So what is happening at the soul level?
You are dissolving the restraints that have bound you to the 3rd dimension.
You are flexing your multisensory and multi dimensional muscles, and it feels wonderful and maybe a little scary.
You are tasting your own soul power and witnessing glimpses of it in others, and as you do, it makes your heart swell; not with pride, but with compassion.
Your ego is often fighting back, causing you to question your thoughts, words and actions as well as the actions of others, yet you are aware of a deeper yearning to offer empathy instead of criticism.
You are finding balance, even though sometimes you feel off balance.
You read of astrological events and exclaim to others the truth of how you are affected by them. We offer you this: The more you are aware of your multi sensory, multi dimensional self, the more you will feel the effects of the movement of celestial bodies as you are a part of all that is, including the moon, suns, stars and everything in the multiverse.
Now we speak of the power that you have as individuals and as a collective: It is immense and it is growing exponentially. What does this mean? It means that your increasingly powerful conscious thoughts are connecting with other like thoughts and manifesting almost simultaneously, so neutrality is important if compassion seems out of reach. We witness the challenges that you face daily in your human existence, and this is a part of the plan, and one of the reasons why you chose to Be Here Now. This is not a test, but a self chosen path to freedom from ancient Akashic energy of suffering. The suffering stems from the belief that you are separate from (and therefore alone, and suffering) your Mother/Father God.This is the lifetime to re-member and re-cognize your Godself. You are literally re-membering; re-connectng, to your Soul, and re-cognizing; learning again to know Yourself as Infinite Being. You are shedding the energy of lifetimes of believing a lie, a lie that formed the foundation of fear and suffering.
Friends, if you could see yourselves from our perspective, you would rejoice in the progress that you have made.
History is over. You know this deep in your heart. You understand that to repeat history is impossible, and you are experiencing the greatest energetic shift in consciousness in your existence as humans. Why is repeating history impossible? Because you have already shed layers and layers of ancient Akashic energy and going backwards is not possible. Your soul won’t allow it, no matter how loud the ego screams for it. You know better now, because you heed your own Soul’s guidance.
Congratulations friends, you have come a very long way and we rejoice in sharing our perspective with you.
We honor you.