New Experiences

Before reading this message, take a deep breath in and as you exhale, allow yourself to imagine that anything is possible. Whatever you can imagine exists somewhere, and if you can imagine it, that means that in some realm of time and space you have experienced it.
That statement may open the door to many different thoughts, as it should.

Take another deep breath in and as you exhale, let any judgment that may have risen about any of those thoughts fall away from you.

The experience, and all that encompasses an experience is what you came here for. 

It is time for you to experience even more, and now, many of your experiences will be new ones for you as a human being. As Source consciousness you know all, but you cannot experience things the way a lower vibrational physical being can. We say lower vibrational because you have to be vibrating at a lower rate in order to be in a physical body. It is not better or worse than existing in a higher vibrational state, it is just a state of being; one that is necessary for you to experience all that there is to experience.

These new experiences are ones that you are ready for as you consciously raise your vibration. As you recognize your own frequency and your ability to sustain a higher vibration simply by choosing to do so, you are consciously choosing to alter the physical structure of your body. You are still in a body, and that body is becoming more light, literally and figuratively. Things are shifting rather quickly now and that enables you to experience things that before now were not widely available to the human experience.

What are some of these experiences?
Ultimately you get to choose what you experience, but some of the experiences many of you will choose involve meeting beings from other star systems. Some of you have already encountered them, but may not recall your experience. There are many reasons for that, and they are individual to each person. None are bad, although humans tend to judge them, based on beliefs. 

In fact nothing is good or bad, right or wrong. Everything is an experience. It is very challenging to understand that from a human perspective because you have an ego. That is how you designed it, so that you could build a foundation of beliefs. That foundation has served you well over the centuries, and you are now at a level of awareness where you can (and have for the most part) dismantled much of the old foundation. 

Most of your old beliefs no longer apply. You have been creating a new template for a number of years now, and that template looks and feels very different from the old foundation.

Other new experiences include medical breakthroughs and discoveries that coincide with the changing physical body. Old beliefs come into play here because so many of your institutions were built on the foundation of the beliefs that you chose and made real for yourselves. Every belief, every institution built upon those foundational beliefs has served the purpose for you to have the experiences that you’ve encountered so far. 

We understand that this may bring up deep feelings, beliefs, and maybe emotion, and that is what this message is designed to do. You are always moving energy, as energy is what you are. We are helping you to move energy, and when energy is moved, it may uncover deep feelings, and some of them may be uncomfortable. These feelings are meant to be acknowledged rather than suppressed because acknowledging them allows them to move out of your system. When something is repressed, it is not able to move, and a lack of movement creates a stagnant and unhealthy environment within the body and the psyche.

Other new experiences will arise as some of the chaos that you find yourselves in settles. As old beliefs are challenged, there will always be those who choose to stay in the old energy because it is known and recognized by the ego. You designed the ego to keep you focused on the path ahead of you so that you would survive the challenges of the world. Now that you are more aware of the myriad choices that you have, combined with your expanding awareness of your God Self, the ego is no longer your primary guide. 

Your soul is your primary guide. The human self has to adjust to this by accepting and loving every aspect of self, including the ego, which has been focused on judging what you have believed to be right and wrong for lifetimes, based on your beliefs.

October energy supports the opportunity for new experiences. 

August and September brought intense energy and deeper awareness. October is a time to take some deep breaths and begin to use all that energy you have been receiving over the last months.

You do this using your intention and by allowing judgment to fall away. Anything that you judge will be brought to your attention in order to be accepted, and in the acceptance there is movement of the old energy.

As humans, you give one another the gift of helping by being catalysts for each other, and what a beautiful gift that is! It can be challenging, but what we can witness from our perspective is that at the soul level, it is all about love. There is no ego at the soul level, so every encounter, especially the challenging ones, are ones that you chose to experience so that you would grow and expand, ultimately letting go of judgment, always moving deeper into acceptance. It truly begins with yourself, and expands outward into those you know, and ultimately the world.

You are now moving through experiences of growth in a matter of weeks or days that in the past would have taken months or years.

You recognize that this is happening because time feels like it is speeding up. What is really happening is that your belief about time is changing and as all of you change your belief, it becomes your new reality. 

So many new experiences are becoming available to you as you continue to grow and evolve. It is a wondrous thing to witness you stepping into your God-Selves.


Expansion Energy

September brings the expansion that you are quite ready for.

In re-cognizing that you are literally Source material, you have reconnected the neural pathway in your brain that carries the Source consciousness energy of knowing this. That is why we hyphen words like “recognize”; you are re-cognizing what has always been there, but buried by lifetimes of contradictory information.

It is not about judging this contradictory information, it is about accepting that you descended into dense physical bodies in order to experience everything including integrating all of the information. Now you are re-membering Who you are: Source consciousness in physical form.

September expansion is a natural next step for you. You have been expanding since you were born, and it has increased in intensity, especially in the last 20 years, therefore your awareness of it is more acute. You have moved from the possibility that you might be more than a human, to the belief that you are something greater than what you used to believe. You are now in the energy of Knowing Who and What you are. This is the expansion we are speaking of.

This changes everything.

Not immediately, but it puts into motion the energy of change that is necessary for you to manifest the next stage of your journey. 2023 has been a year of transition, and by that we mean in the way that you interpret transition in your own life. You all experience life in different ways because you each have a unique frequency which resonates with the frequencies of those that are in your soul family. Your soul family is quite large. Imagine a flower with petals that represent your immediate soul family. Now imagine that flower in a very large bouquet with many other kinds of flowers. That is your extended soul family. Now, imagine that bouquet as part of a massive field of every kind of flower. That is humanity.  Each flower has roots, which connect to the roots of other flowers which connect to others, and so on. We could go on, but you get the idea. 

Each flower in this massive field has a frequency, and all of your frequencies together are the Song of Source. You are quite literally the sound of God/Creator/Source. Everyone experiences transition based on what kinds of agreements you made with those in your immediate and extended soul family prior to incarnating.

When you imagine that you are something other than a human, (like a flower) your brain veers off of its usual track of keeping you in “human mode” and you are able to feel into the expansion that is occurring more easily. You are seemingly creating a new neural pathway when you do this, but the reality is that you are simply re-connecting to your original source consciousness energy. Each time you do this, (meditation for example, or simply feeling gratitude for a length of time) you strengthen that connection, making it the natural path to choose. Your nervous system responds to the re-connecting work that you are doing, so in a way, you are re-wiring your brain and your nervous system, which affects the way that you respond to external stimuli.

By the time you are mid-way through the year 2024, you will be able to look back over the last few years and truly recognize how much you have grown in your awareness of all that is. More specifically, you will recognize how you have shifted so many perceptions about yourself, so your perception of others will have changed. This absolutely affects how you perceive your external reality, therefore your world. 

To take it further, your perception of those that live beyond your earth is changing. You will be ready to welcome those that have been here, but for the most part have not been perceptible to human senses. Many of you have been waiting for this for a long time and the more you continue to connect to the love that resides and flows within you, the closer you are to reuniting with members of your extended soul family.

Members of your soul family do not have to live on earth, and you have soul family members in many dimensions and other star systems.

Many of you will get to know some of them in this lifetime.We know that this information may be welcomed by some, and may cause doubt or fear in others. Whatever it is that you feel, we invite you to be in acceptance of it, as that opens the door to a deeper understanding of the root of the feeling. This is not a time to bypass feelings, it is a time to be with them, feel them in the body, accepting that whatever the feeling is, it has served a purpose. The questions for you are: Do you still choose to feel that feeling? Does it still serve you? Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn’t. Either way, you are looking within, accepting, acknowledging and deciding what serves you Now, not just as a human, but as an empowered Source Consciousness Being.

Change. You are ready for it. More today than you were yesterday and more tomorrow than you are today. You are growing and evolving very, very quickly now, and if it seems as if your world doesn’t always reflect it, it is only because so much has changed and so many foundations are still crumbling that it takes time for a new world to be rebuilt. As foundations crumble, all that has been buried is now not only visible but needs to be acknowledged and accepted as no longer helpful to you on your current journey. It can be challenging to do this without judging others (or yourself), yet at your current level of source consciousness awareness, you are remembering that each time you choose to feel judgment towards another it is a reminder to look within in acceptance of yourself.

We like to remind you that you chose to be here now in this extraordinary time of change. It takes courage to be here Now. Your role is as important as anyone’s. You don’t have to be in the news in order to instigate change. Your thoughts do that. Now is the time to recognize just how powerful your thoughts are. 

Embrace September’s expansive energy shifts with joy and excitement!

Empowering Choices

The more you expand into the awareness of Who and what you are, the more your soul offers you in the way of growth.

We say ‘offers you’ because you can always turn down an offer. You cannot offend your own soul because your soul is the epitome of love, and you are your soul embodied. Every time your soul offers you a growth opportunity you make a choice, and no choice is wrong. 

When you are in congruence with your own soul, you are in agreement with your highest self to accept the opportunities for growth.

So do you really have a choice? 

Yes. You have made the choice to be in alignment with the myriad opportunities that your soul offers you, and the opportunities vary in intensity level. 

Prior to incarnation you had an understanding of the direction your life would take in this existence so that you could ultimately be free of programming, patterns, beliefs and karmic energy. You are familiar with fate and destiny, as well as free will. All of this comes into play, and there is a lot of flexibility that each of you built into your “life plan,” including who you would incarnate with and when. 

You are the master orchestrator of your own life, and everyone in your life plays an important role. The ones that you love play their important roles, but the ones that challenge you the most, even cause you the most pain and suffering are the ones that play very significant roles. 

They are the ones that bring to the forefront of your awareness the programming, patterns, belief and karma that you are in this lifetime to acknowledge and release. 

We have offered ways to begin the process of releasing old energy, so we will not repeat it here.
What we wish to clarify here is that you have chosen to be here now in order to change the way you exist including how you interact with each other and the world you live in. It is an act of stepping into the unknown, and you have been doing just that for a number of years now. What is different about now is that you are ready for the next phase of Being Here Now, knowing that right now is where your empowerment is. You are much less concerned about how you were perceived in the past, and less worried about the future because you are in alignment with your soul. 

That is the most empowering place to be: In congruence with your soul in the present moment.

Stepping into the unknown requires a level of trust that you now cognize and embody because you truly know that the past cannot be repeated; not in the ways that it has repeated itself over the many lifetimes you have been on earth. You know this and here you are, participating in the grandest game of all, that of awakening to your Divine Source consciousness Self.

Is it all over after this? No. You get to choose where you go from here. You are graduating in grand style, trusting that whatever is next is new and uncharted from a human perspective. This is the exciting part and you are not only a participant, you are a co creator. You and everyone you know are co creating a new existence on a new earth.

We understand that at times it may seem as if there are still too many people who want to revert to old programming and beliefs. We will not tell you that it is not true; it is, yet these people are playing their roles as well. They too are here for the ascension and are here to help others to wake up and recognize opportunities to change, to grow, to heal. Every single person on earth is playing a role that they had a part in choosing prior to incarnating.

This offers you another opportunity to be in acceptance of everyone, knowing in your heart that everyone’s role is important, and that the pendulum has to swing in opposite directions before it begins to settle into balance. 

With each swing of the pendulum, lean into trusting your own soul’s guidance. You have come this far, and now is when the fun really begins because you know who and what you are, existing more fully in Grace.

Grace is the ultimate empowerment and it has nothing to do with ego.

Being in congruence with your soul is another way of saying you are courageous.

So take a moment and recognize your courage and your grace.

Recognize everyones’ courage and grace to be here now, changing the face of the earth and how you live on her and among each other. Choose to live in Grace. Every time you make that choice the ripple effect of the energy of that choice reaches out through time and space affecting the energy of every lifetime. 

Right now, make the choice to exist in Grace, and no matter where you are, when you read or hear this message, know and trust that your choice is amplified by us through time and space. The amplification of the energy of your choices is something that we do for and with you because we exist in a non physical high vibrational dimension and have no limiting beliefs. We are happy to do this for and with you anytime you choose.

As things are changing so quickly, time is speeding up to accommodate the changes and vice versa. You are able to move through cycles of recognizing, acknowledging, accepting and releasing patterns more expeditiously now, so life can seem at times both hectic and almost stagnant. That is one version of your own emotional and mental pendulum swinging as you create new neural pathways in your brain. Rest when you can, hydrate well and pay attention to your body. Your body is regenerating differently than it used to so please treat it with love and respect.

We honor and love you, and invite you to accept that honor and love.
All is well.

(Information on how to release old energy is available at


We are in the process re-generating, and that means something different than just our cells dying and recreating themselves. We are regenerating our cells, and more.

We are re-generating new information for ourselves, our ancestors and for posterity.

To generate means to cause something to arise or come about. 

Regenerating is bringing something into renewed existence, and what we are bringing about does not have the same cellular structure as before.

As we receive more light, our bodies regenerate new cells that carry more light, so they are of a higher vibration than the old cells. The old information (patterns, beliefs, etc.) is lower vibrational and more dense therefore has less light, or is ‘darker.’ This old energy “dies” with the old cells as the emotional energy of it is released and shows up in our awareness as emotion, physical pain or discomfort, etc. Our job is to acknowledge what is showing up as it leaves our body and energy field, so that we can be in acceptance of what was, instead of judging it, healing throughout all of time for ourselves, our ancestors and for posterity. 

The information we are re-generating comes into our new cells via light energy, so our new cells are of a higher vibration than our old cells. Our new cells are literally made of more light, their structure is different, and the information within them is not weighed down by old patterns, programming, beliefs and karmic energy.

We are transmuting energy all the time, regenerating old patterns, beliefs, programming and karmic energy into new, higher vibrational information.

This process is happening in tandem with the regeneration of our cells. 

Time is a construct, something we used as a tool in the lower vibrational 3D existence. The information we are regenerating helps us to recognize time as a helpful tool, not something to be bound to or by. There is only this moment, and in this moment, the regeneration that is occurring within you is happening for your ancestors and for those that come after you. It is happening now, and in that, you are transcending what you believe (or have believed) about time.

We are regenerating this new information so that we can move forward into a higher vibrational existence with the conscious awareness that we are the Divine and powerful light that is within us, free of limiting beliefs.