Lean into the energy that is available to you. Imagine meeting it halfway, and allow yourself to lean in towards it and you’ll feel it in your body, you’ll see it in your inner vision.
This energy is light. It is love. It is from Source, and Source is You.
Source is the collective You and it is you as the individual who chose to Be Here Now so that you could live experientially.
As you lean in, trust that you are supported by the energy, the light, the love. You are supported by Source as you support yourself through knowing that you are Source. The more you lean in, the more you trust, the more you embody the energy.
The more you embody the energy the more you feel it.
The more you feel it, the easier it is for you to trust it.
So lean in.
Trusting that you are supported is stepping out of your comfort zone into new territory, and this territory is your new template. Your template is supportive, fluid, flexible. It moves and breathes with you.
This is the way you have chosen to move forward.
You have already made this choice because you are here, now.
Moving forward in a completely different way leads to freedom from all that no longer serves you. It leads to manifesting a new earth, a higher vibrational planet where you have transcended old energy.
You are transcending original pain, the pain of separation from blissful love.
You are rising above it, so that you can witness it, understand it and then accept it. In accepting it you are no longer fighting it or fearful of it. You become free of it, in that in transcending it, you are in a higher vibration than the original pain, but it is different from being healed of it.
It doesn’t mean that you are not healing. You are. Transcendence is a key piece for you to understand in order to accept all that is happening. The feelings, awarenesses and memories that are surfacing now are all connected because you are now crossing timelines constantly. It is a way for you to allow the healing that occurs as you transcend the old programs, energy, patterns and karma from all of your timelines. You are literally raising your vibration higher than the vibration of the old energy, transcending all of it. You witness it all from your higher vibrational perspective where acceptance, forgiveness and making peace with it all begins to happen.
This is the healing.
April energy is supporting you in this.
Lean into it. Trust it, trust yourself. In transcending original pain, there is potential for immense growth. In April there will be opportunities for you to be in situations that offer you the chance to be in acceptance of yourself and others as you choose to co heal. Lean into those opportunities for the energy is rich and ripe with potential; the potential for real change. The opportunities for personal growth that lead to change are always there in abundance.
Your new template is just one aspect of support that trusting in your own Source consciousness self offers you. As you grow accustomed to your template, feeling supported as you deepen into trust, it becomes easier to sustain your natural state of being, that of Grace.
You do not need to reinvent the wheel.
All that you can imagine exists, including the life that you dream of. Co-healing relationships, vibrant health, clean air and water, acceptance, peace, and compassion all exist and you magnetize all of it to you through Grace. You raise your vibration to meet the 5th dimensional new earth through being in grace.
You are the impetus of change.
You came here to change how you exist on earth. The chaos in the world is a sign that things are changing. Old ways that no longer serve your rapidly growing awareness of Who You Are are crumbling. You chose this. Within the perceived chaos of the restructuring of the world as you knew it is immense growth; the growth that you chose to be a part of. Not just to witness, but to actively participate in.
Every person, group, or event that triggers you is a catalyst that you chose at the energetic level as a potential for personal growth. That relative that you fundamentally disagree with; the political figure that triggers you; the ecological disaster that breaks your heart; everything is an opportunity for you to choose how you react, or respond. You are remembering to respond from some aspect of Grace more often than not. You are changing. You are growing. You are re-membering that you are love incarnate. That is how change happens.
Lean in to April energy. Breathe deeply and trust it. Let it enlighten you, literally bringing more light into your body. You have asked for support, and you receive it. Now trust it. In trusting it you are trusting yourself, Your Source consciousness self, your true and authentic self.
You are doing it, it is happening. All that is going on in the world is a sign of change. The change that you as a collective, you as Source consciousness chose to be part of.
Relax into the energy of April, let it support you.
All is well.