All Of It

You are an empowered Being.

Each time you hear this, read it, and think about it, you integrate more of the energy of the truth in this statement.

The repetition of it serves as a wave of very high vibrational energy that eventually displaces the old belief that you are powerless. Once the old belief is displaced, the new awareness (which is only “new” to your human self) becomes an active part of your Divine Knowing. 

As this is happening, there is also an awakening of your Divine Knowing that already knows that you are an empowered Being. The old beliefs have hidden it from your awareness for many, many, lifetimes. This is an aspect of the integration/release process that we often speak of.

As you reclaim your true Divine Nature through deepening into knowing Who You Are, you are actively participating in the alteration of your DNA, you are an active participant in the restructuring of your Akashic Records, and you are consciously choosing which vibratory timeline you desire to reside in. 

You are manifesting your new earth; the new earth that you are creating through your high vibrational intentions.

This is a level of freedom and empowerment that you have not experienced in human form.

As you become more comfortable in this new way of Being, you will find that the people, opportunities, and places that you find yourself will be very serendipitous. As you become more aware of your inner senses, you will find yourself surprised and amazed by the sometimes magical synchronicities that occur. 

These things have always been occurring. The difference now is you. You are the one who is awakening to how you are changing, and doing so faster and more profoundly than you ever have as a human being.

We invite you to settle into your natural state of Being, which is Grace. Grace is your true energetic vibration, and you can parse it into the feeling natures of gratitude, peace, love, joy, forgiveness, acceptance, awe, and wonder, to name a few aspects of the energy of Grace.

When we say “feeling nature” we speak of bringing the awareness into the body and out of the mind, so that you are able to feel the feelings, not just think about them. Being in the feeling nature of Grace brings you into a heightened awareness of your whole self: Body, mind and spirit, and that raises your vibration. It is from this place that you are best able to integrate the energy of this message. 

All of our words, read or heard, carry an energetic vibration that is meant to contribute to and amplify your awakening. Each of you has the choice to awaken, and when you make the decision to do so, messages like the one you are reading, amplify the energy that you are already receiving. 

Take a moment and recognize the work that you have done so far. 

Close your eyes if you wish, and using your breath, settle more fully into Grace. Imagine the amplification of this very high vibrational energy and light entering through your crown chakra, and allow the tension and tightness to fall away from your mind and body.

Deepening into gratitude for this moment, and the energy that is flowing to you, through you and from you, smile as you feel yourself connect to All That Is. 

In this moment, you are receiving and creating exactly what you need in order to choose to shift your vibration and your awareness into a higher vibrational dimension.  

You are constantly moving between multiple timelines.

Your ability to choose how you feel in every moment is one of your superpowers. By choosing to be in Grace, or to feel an aspect of grace such as gratitude or joy, you are doing multiple things in multiple dimensions. 

You are able to stabilize your human self in a higher vibrational dimension or timeline, and you are emitting the vibration of that timeline/dimension to those around you and to your external reality. You are creating your reality in this higher vibrational timeline. Ie: Creating your new earth.

You are also inviting others to raise their vibration, as like energy meets and matches like energy.

The ripple effect from this is what you call a miracle, with subtle changes occurring at the speed of light within you and in your external reality.

You have within you the akashic memories of all of your lifetimes, and those memories carry the lower vibrational energy imprints of trauma, suffering and death. You have also experienced lifetimes of immeasurable joy, peace, love, a sense of oneness, and the knowing that there is no such thing as death, so you carry those akashic memories as well. 

You are awakening to these deeply buried akashic memories of immeasurable joy, peace, love, oneness and the eternal existence of your soul.

This is the freedom that you desire; the freedom to exist as Source consciousness in your human form. 

You have All Of It within you. 

You get to choose from All Of It what you are feeling and experiencing at any moment.

This is empowerment.

This is sovereignty.

This is your birthright.

The more you awaken to your true nature, the more you are able to experience with your inner senses. Your inner senses are the ones that awaken as you raise your vibration and sustain the higher vibration for longer and longer lengths of time. As with your multidimensionality, many things occur when you do this. 

You are lengthening the amount of time you are in higher vibrational timelines, and in doing so, inviting others to do the same just by Being there.

Your inner senses enable you to become aware of colors, sounds, vibrations, light, energy, and even higher vibrational Beings that you are not able to experience with your 5 human senses.

Quite often your camera will capture an image that your eyes cannot. There are many ways to interpret these images and none are wrong, it is simply a matter of trust. 

There are many mysteries for you to explore in your human experience. More will show up as you continue to open to your expanding awareness. Some of them will inspire awe and potentially shatter some of your oldest beliefs.

We say this often: This is why you are here, now.

You did not want to miss out on being a part of this event. Those that have left the physical plane are contributing from the spirit realms, and their roles are just as important. We say this because some of you reading or hearing this are missing those that have, from your perspective, left too early. We invite you to settle again into your own heart and feel their presence, and know the truth of their continued existence. 

Be at peace knowing that all is well.

In this moment, and in every moment, we are here, and surrounding you with constant love, support, guidance. 

We are a part of you and vice versa, as we are All One, from the same Source. You are so loved.

You Are The Heroes

You have come so very far from where you were just a few months ago.From your ego-/mind’s perspective, it may seem like you are taking a baby step forward followed by 2 or 3 giant steps back.This is of course inaccurate, and your soul knows it. You cannot go backwards.

What is happening in your family, your state, your country and the world are all reflections of the changes that you have instigated through your choice to ascend. Remember that all old ways of existing have to crumble before the new, higher vibrational ways of Being can be fully implemented. 

Deeply rooted beliefs and patterns carry energy, and energy is compressed consciousness.

When deeply rooted old beliefs and patterns are challenged, that energy is stimulated in a way that forces it to expand, grow, and rise to the surface of your awareness so that you can acknowledge and understand how it has affected you throughout the ages. This is an integral part of the ascension and growth process. Deeply buried unhealed compressed energy of trauma and suffering has been affecting you for lifetimes. 

This is your lifetime to be free of it.

This is happening now, in many forms, in your world, and it is a good thing, because it is bringing people together.

All of this deeply buried energy is being challenged, and when challenged, the heaviest and darkest stuff is stirred up.

You have heard this before: When disasters happen, it brings people together. 

When a group of people make a decision that affects the multitudes, it brings people together in ways that may not have been possible before.

As people come together in solidarity, deep realizations about the future of humanity, and what needs to change are possible and as unification happens, miracles can occur. 

Remember that you are on the threshold of completely new energy. 

You and everyone else have the opportunity to create a new template for moving forward in your life. If you are reading this, you have been creating your new template for about 6-7 months now, and most likely have had some changes happen in your life during that time. That is a direct result of old energy surfacing. You acknowledge what it means for you and those you love, and you make the choice to move forward in the ways that are for your highest and best, therefore in the highest and best of all because you have been working diligently on connecting more deeply to your own souls guidance.

The old is falling away to make room for the new, and some of that old energy is so deeply rooted that it needs to be brought to the attention of the masses in order to be acknowledged, healed and released for good.

We say this often, but it bears repeating: This is exactly what you came here to do and be part of.

You are clearing old, damaging deep beliefs, patterns and karmic energy (compressed consciousness) for your ancestors as well as those that come after you. 

You are also awakening to what has always been a part of you but buried beneath eons of old beliefs: Your divine heritage.

You are heroes. 

You are the courageous ones who have come here to challenge all forms of enslavement in order to be free. Let us add again, that you are doing it for your parents, their parents, your children, your childrens’ children, and throughout not only all of time, but all of space. You are doing incredible multidimensional, multigenerational work and it is being noticed! You have huge cheering sections out here in the cosmos and many, many helpers.

By simply choosing love and peace instead of hatred and war, you are making change happen.

There are those who will sacrifice much, including their lives, but it is always their choice. That is hard for some to hear, and much harder when it affects you directly. Yet it is part of the human experience, and you came here to have an experiential existence. We observe, but cannot experience what you have chosen to be and do. You have also been observers, but have chosen the much more challenging and rewarding experience of being on earth during this amazing time of ascension.

We have spoken often about shifts in perception.
We invite you to shift your perception once again, and to perceive all that is occurring in your lives and in your world from your soul’s perspective. Your soul does not hate, fear, or judge others. Your soul witnesses the big picture from a higher vibration, therefore a higher perspective; it has a bird’s eye view rather than the mind-ego’s perspective of being stuck in the thick of things.

Choose to witness your life and the world from your soul’s perspective. 

Choose peace and love. 

We guarantee that you will feel differently about your life and the world, and as you feel differently, your energy reflects that. 

Others are always in the presence of your energy, and vice versa, so wouldn’t you rather be able to choose the energy that you emit to others and the world? The higher your frequency, the more you are inviting others to raise their vibration. 

You always get to choose how you feel.

No feeling is inherently bad; all feelings are part of the human experience. Acknowledge your feelings, and they will lead you to deeper insights and awareness. You are constantly moving energy within yourself. 

Everything that occurs in your life is there for your growth, pleasure, learning, healing, and ultimately your freedom. 

So recognize the deeper awareness that all of your feelings show you and then choose what feels best from your highest perspective. 

This is of great importance because like vibrations unite to create matter, which is compressed energy. Energy is compressed consciousness, and vibrates at a lower frequency. Matter is compressed energy and vibrates at an even lower frequency. 

You live in a physical world of matter. 

What matters to you is what you literally create in your life.

This has never been more true than right now because things are speeding up for you as you move further out of the constraints of time.

You are consciousness in physical form so you are both energy and matter. 

You have a soul which exists outside of time/space constraints, and in this lifetime you are integrating more of your soul into your physical form. This changes the molecular structure of your physical form, including your DNA. You are well acquainted with what you call ascension symptoms. The medical field will eventually catch up to this, which will be reflected in “new normal” test and lab results for humans. There is much that is starting to happen “behind the scenes” that is very exciting for humans. Many of you already know this, and can feel it in your body and your energy field. Many of you practice forms of energy movement (Reiki, etc) and all of your variations complement all of the others. That is part of the beauty of your expansion and the awareness of your inherent gifts, skills and talents. You all carry the ability to move energy, and it is wonderful to witness your progress as you help each other.

Keep helping each other. 

Continue to practice settling into your natural state of Being: Grace.
There are many things to be grateful for in every moment of now.

When you practice these 3 things, you are existing in the present moment, which is the only moment there is. The many aspects of your soul that are concurrently existing in other dimensions are more readily available to you when you are present, and this changes everything: Your awareness of Who You Are, your external “reality”, your energy field, and your world.

In our eyes, you are honored heroes.

Playing Beautiful Music

To begin this transmission, we invite you to pause in whatever it is that you are doing in order to recognize the energy that is moving through you Now. 

You are always running energy through you because you are energy. Yet for the most part, you are not always thinking about the flow of Source energy that is the core, or the basis of what you call your physical body and energy field. It is the core of Who and What You Are. 

We invite you to bring your conscious focus to it now as we wish to enhance the energy transmission of this message

Breathe deeply, bringing your awareness inward, settling into a peaceful state of gratitude and love for Who You Are and for what You bring to the world.

Exhale and let the cares, the worries, and everything that occupies your conscious mind go.

On your next inhale, imagine your beautiful Source consciousness energy as it fills you; it is the core of You. Bringing your awareness to your Source consciousness, feel for the vibration of it, of You, and settle there for a moment.

Source consciousness is infinite, and it has no particular vibration except for that which you give it. 

Think about that for a moment. 

Your Source consciousness has no vibration except that which you give it. How can that be if we have told you many times that Source consciousness vibrates at the highest level? 

You create it, you are it, and you choose the frequency at which it (therefore you) vibrates in any given moment.

Recognize the empowerment in that statement. 

Recognize that you are ready and able to claim that level of empowerment.

Remember your superpower: Your ability to choose how you feel in every moment. 

Take a moment and allow this information and the energy of it to integrate.

Your Source consciousness core is like the strings of a harp, waiting to be plucked to make the most beautiful and harmonious music.

Imagine that the rest of humanity is the orchestra, and you are an integral part of the orchestra. What song do you choose to play with your instrument? You cannot control how others choose to play their instrument, but as you consciously choose to create beautiful music and harmonize with those around you, that higher Source consciousness vibration that you are creating is the one that draws others to it. All like vibrations draw others, so if you are able to choose, why would you not choose the highest one available to you? You are Source consciousness embodied, so you are the creator of your own vibration. You get to choose. (Superpower!)

You are changing at your core at this very moment.

As your human self begins to feel the truth of this energy transmission, your cells and DNA respond to the vibration accordingly, effectively “restructuring” in a way that reflects your choice to move to a higher level of conscious awareness. This is happening now, as you read this.

While you are in this very open and receptive place of awareness, we wish to speak to you about LOVE.

Your human perception of love is but the tip of the iceberg of what LOVE truly means and is. So much of the deep trauma, suffering and forms of enslavement that you are releasing in order to be free have roots in love, or the fear of truly allowing the breadth and scope of love to enter your conscious awareness. You carry the trauma of lifetimes of lost love, tragic love, betrayed love, all of the ways that you have been hurt and have suffered when you loved or allowed yourself to be loved. That has served as a form of protection that you no longer need and in fact has become very unhealthy for your and your current world. As you reclaim your sovereignty as a Being of Source consciousness you are able to create your own vibration of LOVE within. 

You pluck the strings of Source consciousness within to create the beautiful song of love that you choose to experience. 

It comes from within you. It has always been within you. 

You forgot that as you became human, and sought it from external sources, lifetime after lifetime.

You are awakening to your original song: Your own infinite vibration of LOVE.

As this awakening takes place, insights will surface, awarenesses will arise, and you will have those moments where all of a sudden something makes sense to you in a way that resonates deep within your heart. Some of these insights may be very different from what you thought you wanted, or thought could even be possibilities for you in your current stage of life. 

We have always been fond of saying it is never too late for anything to happen! 

You are playing on a new, fluid playing field that we call your new template. 

Your old foundations are long gone by now. Your new template, which you create as you go, moves with you, yet is more supportive than the old, crumbled foundation ever was. Your new way of Being involves stepping into the universal flow instead of trying to push against it.  

This, friends, is what Ease and Grace truly means.

Are you ready for this? We feel that you are indeed ready for this. 

Welcome to your new way of Being and Creating. 

June energy supports this, and you will feel more supported as long as you are consistent in bringing your focus back to your heartstrings, your core that vibrates at the level that you choose.

Your world is looking to you and others like you to reclaim your sovereignty and create beautiful music together as major, old foundations continue to crumble and you continue to co-create your new, 5D world. You are co-creating it each and every time you choose to be in Grace.

As we are also very fond of saying this is what you came here for. 

You came here to not only participate in, but to co-create this time of ascension and awakening into your knowing of Who You Are, and ultimate freedom.

Why do you think there are so many of you here, now? Those that are leaving are doing so by choice because they have played their particular role, and they are cheering you on, towards your freedom, in and from their freedom.

Your ascension is a spectacular thing to witness, and from our perspective, All Is Well.

We hear and feel your beautiful music, and it is the most pleasing sound and vibration that we could ever ask for.

Open your heart, play beautiful music together. 

As you do, it will be music to your ears and all of your other senses.

You are so very honored and loved.

The Clearing After the Storm

It is always wonderful to witness you as you receive, integrate and make good use of the energies that are continuously flooding your planet and all Beings who exist on and within her. May brings a shift in the purpose of the energy that serves you in so many ways.

We do not send the energy that you are receiving. You send it to yourself. Of course as we are aspects of you, you could say that we send it, but the gist of this statement is to remind you that you are the ones who chose to receive the boost that the energies offer you on your ascension journey.

Everything that you have experienced, learned, released and integrated over the past years has served as a stepping stone to get you to where you are in this moment of Now. This means that if you experienced an intensity in April energy and felt that you took 2 steps back for each step forward, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. If you did not experience this, you are also exactly where you are supposed to be. 

How can this be? Each person is on their own personal journey and if each of you experienced the same thing, you could not help each other as effectively as you do. Trust that if you breezed through April you still moved energy, and you played the role you came here to play wonderfully. Most of you who are reading or hearing this will resonate with a certain level of knowing that you released quite a bit of energy in April that is related to trauma and suffering. 

May brings a lightness and clarity that offers the opportunity for a deeper understanding of what you experienced in the last month. Some of you have chosen a steeper, rougher, and in some ways accelerated path that will keep you very aware of the deep cleansing and clearing that you are moving through individually and as a collective. Some of you chose to work more exclusively with clearing for your ancestors for example, while some of you are clearing for those that come after you. Others are still fighting in wars so that they experience first hand what their soul desires for them to recognize and release. No one is right or wrong. Everyone is playing a role that they came here to play in order to participate in this time of great change.

You are a piece of the puzzle that is the whole. You are essential and integral in the process of reclaiming your freedom and sovereignty as Source consciousness. 

All of you are clearing for everyone at some level so you are much more aware of your multidimensional existence, or Oneness consciousness. As you deepen this awareness you will be able to “tune into” your ancestral lineage and gain deeper insights and wisdom, feeling the gratitude of those that came before you as you clear the Akashic memory of suffering.

You feel things much more deeply and palpably now because you are consciously aware of Oneness consciousness. This helps you all to recognize the futility of war for example. You now know that when you hurt another, you are also hurting yourself. There are those that still need to recognize this, but as you continue to evolve, more and more people are understanding how damaging fighting and war are. This will become very clear, sooner than it ever has in your history.

Each of you has chosen the pace that you wish to grow, evolve and ascend into the next level of awareness. You also chose the people in your life that show up at the time you need them, for what they offer you and vice versa. This is an aspect of the freedom that you are here to reclaim. As Source, you chose to experience all that there is to experience, so you chose your path in this life here on earth and it is unique to you.

April energy opened and provided the space for a deep cleaning within your subconscious awareness of deeply buried beliefs about yourself. Your beliefs about yourself are reflected in your interactions with others. You may have felt anxiety, anguish, panic, even PTSD at times because your experience reflected subconscious memories of suffering and trauma. If you are able to allow yourself to stay in these feelings, insights will arise. They may not take the form of memories, they may be realizations of deeper clarity.

When you have a realization of deeper clarity, there is a lessening of the anguish that you have been feeling. The realization goes deep into your subconscious and releases the painful constriction of the memory of suffering. You are then able to consciously, from your natural state of Being, choose to be free of those memories, which releases the energy from your body and energy field.

This is how healing occurs.

May energy is supportive of this continued process. It is a month of healing for all. 

You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Pause, breathe deeply and as you exhale, consciously and joyfully release all that is pent up with you. We are with you now, and we aid in the amplification of what you are releasing in the present moment. Welcome the month and the energy of May in Grace, knowing that All is Well.